Facebook Introduces New Distribution Metrics - Facebook Distribution Score

Facebook released a new metric called “distribution score” to measure the performance of Facebook pages. Here we are discussing what the distribution score is, how to use it, where to find it, and how to make video better video content because of it.

What Is Facebook’s Distribution Score?

It's anything but a score that will rank your average performance of your video post compared to the past video content that you have posted previously on your Facebook Page. By taking a look at the Distribution Score and the metrics it measures, Facebook is assisting us with understanding the  different ranking factors that Facebook is utilizing to truly fuel the algorithm and to get organic distribution going.

Facebook Distribution Score Uses 5 Metrics

All right, backing it up. So what is the distribution score? Well, it’s looking at five metrics.

Facebook Distribution Score Key Metrics for Video

Focusing on the metrics driving the distribution score will assist your videos with getting organic distribution on Facebook. The button in the bottom-left of each hovercard features the metric that is the most significant for that specific video. Clicking on it assists you learn more. Here are the full arrangement of components that make up the score:

1. Audience retention/average minutes watched: The average amount of time that viewers spent watching your video before they scrolled past or clicked away.

2. 1-minute views : The number of times that your video was watched for 1 minute or longer.

3. Reactions: The number of reactions (Likes, Loves, etc.) on your video post.

4. Comments: The number of comments that viewers posted on your video over a certain period of time.

5. Shares: The number of times that viewers shared your video over a certain period of time.

The distribution score shows you how every video is performing on metrics that are significant for distribution on Facebook. The higher the score, the more your video is naturally showing up within feeds across the platform. The score is comparative with your Page's commonplace presentation, which is figured as the normal of your last 100 published videos. Comparisons are made to explicitly focus on schedule.

Facebook Distribution Score Key Metrics for Photos, Texts and Links

1. Impressions: The number of times a piece of content was on screen. Distribution score for photos, link and text content is calculated from impressions.

2. Reactions: The number of reactions (likes, loves, etc.) on your post.

3. Comments: The number of comments that viewers made on your post over a certain period of time.

4. Shares: The number of times viewers shared your post over a certain period of time.

5. Content Clicks: The number of clicks on links or photos within posts that led to destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook.

These are the 5 metrics that Facebook takes into account when calculating your Distribution Score. You will see a ranking for each applicable metric showing if it is higher, average, or lower than your typical averages for your Page.                                       

Facebook is scoring your post in contrast with other post metrics at that equivalent point in time the post has been live for. Focus on the metrics driving the Distribution Score. On the off chance that you improve these metrics, you may help your posts and recordings get more organic distribution  on Facebook. The Facebook Distribution Score in Creator Studio shows you how each post on your Page is performing on metrics that are significant for contacting more individuals with your content on Facebook. The higher the score, the more your content  naturally shows up inside and takes care of across the platform.

Go ahead and take a look for yourself, let me know if you have that score. It is starting to roll out for all accounts right now and I’d love to know if it is helping you improve your video content and what you think of it. 


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